2nd Mt Pinatubo 50K Trail Challenge

Note: The pictures above were taken last July 31, 2010 during the Birthday Run of July Oconer to Mount Pinatubo.

Rules and Regulations: 2nd Mt Pinatubo 50K Trail Challenge

  1. The race starts at 5:00 AM of September 4, 2011 (Sunday) at the vicinity of the Barangay Hall of Sta. Juliana, Capas, Tarlac.
  2. This race is a solo run and the distance is 50 kilometers. The distance from the Starting Line to the Mt Pinatubo Crater Lake (turn-around) is 25 kilometers. From the turn-around point, the runner has to go back to the Starting Line which will serve also as the Finish Line. Pacers are not allowed.
  3. The cut-off time for the race is twelve (12) hours. Runners must be able to reach the turn-around point in 5:30 hours. Runners who will reach the turn-around point in more than 5:30 hours will be advised to ride on the available 4X4 vehicle in going back to the Starting Line. Such runners will be declared as DNF.
  4. Each runner must be able to have their respective hydration system/belt. The runner’s hydration system must be able to carry liquid/water needed to cover a distance of at least 15 kilometers. There will be Aid Station at Km#8-9 & Km#16-17 and these same Aid Stations will serve as Stations at Km# 33-34 and Km # 42-43 (on the way back). These Aid Stations will be 4X4 vehicles manned by Race Marshals. Be sure to carry some food for you to eat at the Crater/turn-around point (Km #25). The park at the Crater has faucets where you can fill water for your hydration system.
  5. The Aid Stations will have water, cola drinks and limited food supply. The foods served will be chocolate bites, salted biscuits, boiled eggs, and boiled bananas.
  6. Runners are encouraged to prepare their own “drop bags” which will be carried/transported by the 4X4 Vehicle-Aid Stations. Drop Bags should be properly marked with the runner’s name, race number, and Aid Station Number/Km Point where it will be available.
  7. Runner has the option to provide his/her own support vehicle from the 4X4 vehicles for rent available through the Barangay Officials at the Barangay Hall of Sta Juliana. The rent/cost of one vehicle is P 2,500.00 (last year’s price). The fee for a guide is P 500.00 (optional for the runner to get one). However, such individual support vehicle should not “shadow” the runner. It is advisable that support vehicles must “leap-frog” from the runner.
  8. The exact turn-around point is at the edge of the Crater Lake. Runners should go down the stairs as each runner must be able to register to the marshal-recorder upon his/her arrival thereat. Runners shall be properly “marked” at the turn-around point by the Race Marshal thereat.
  9. Runners are advised not to ride on their respective support vehicle even for a short distance or while crossing the river. Riding on the vehicle is tantamount to “cheating” during the race.
  10. Since most of the route towards the Mt Pinatubo has no established or designated trail or path due to changing landscape as a result water & earth movements, the runner can improvise or have his/her own personal choice in establishing his/her direction towards the crater. The rule of thumb for the direction towards the crater is ALWAYS STAY ON THE LEFT PART OF THE EXPOSED AREA going southerly direction.
  11. It is advisable to run with somebody or with a group with the same pace. If not, each runner must be able to have a sight on the runner in front and runner at his back.
  12. This is a trail run which is considered as a RACE. However, it is advisable to help each other on matters of emergency and occurrence of accidents along the route. Any casualty or runner who needs medical attention should be brought to the nearest Aid Station.
  13. Each runner must carry with them basic First Aid Kit. This is a MUST and it is a ground for Disqualification if a runner is without this basic requirement. The First Aid Kit should consist enough cotton, sanitary gauze, medical adhesive tape, betadyne/iodine, and anti-biotic ointment.
  14. Runners must be extra careful in stepping those big rocks along the route. Most of the rocks are slippery and some are not stable. It is safer to walk rather than run on these rocks. Always think safety when you encounter rocks along the way.
  15. There will be a lot of river crossing. Find time to be deliberate in crossing such flowing rivers, most especially where there are a lot of rocks. There are some places where the current of the river are strong, take time in establishing a firm and balance footing as you cross such rivers.
  16. Basically, you will have damp/wet running shoes throughout the run. It is advisable for each runner to apply petroleum jelly to their feet before the run to prevent blisters.
  17. Walking sticks or Trekking Poles are allowed on this run.
  18. At the Crater Lake, if you are not a swimmer, please do not attempt to swim at the lake. We don’t have any Lifeguards for this race.
  19. If in case there will be typhoon or continuous raining on race day, the event will be cancelled and it will be postponed to a later date when weather is favorable for the safety of the participants. Please check on the recent race updates on the Event Page on my Wall at Facebook.
  20. Top 3 Overall and Ladies will receive trophies. Every Finisher will receive Individual PAU’s Finisher’s Medal; Finisher’s T-Shirt; and a Certificate of Achievement (to be given later). This trail run is included in the Ranking of PAU Runners for the Year.
  21. Parking Areas will be available on one side of the Road at Barangay Sta Juliana and at the area near the banks of the river (500 meters from the Barangay Hall). Barangay Tanods will serve as the security/”look-out” to your parked vehicles. Be prepared to pay P 50.00 as Parking Fee for each vehicle to the Barangay Tanods.
  22. The RD and Race Marshals will be conducting random checks on each runner’s hydration system and the mandatory First Aid Kit along the route. It is mandatory for each runner to show their First Aid Kit as he/she checks-in at the Starting Area.
  23. Lastly, please maintain the Integrity of this Race.
  24. For those who paid/deposited their registration fee at LANDBANK, please bring your deposit slip/receipt at the Starting Line for verification.
  25. No bandits to be allowed on this event. Insisting to be a Bandit? Go ahead, make our day!!!

Good luck and Have FUN!!!!

Mt Pinatubo 50K Trail Challenge Elevation Profile (Courtesy of Mark Hernandez)