Day 5: Making Video Content

Day 5 was my Rest Day and I did not run and walk because I decided to have this day as my rest day. There was a “brownout” or electric power interruption that started at 6:00 AM (in the morning) and I felt lazy after not being able to post a blog. Oh well…

I activated my cellular data connection with my cell phone just to be able to look for some updates in my social media accounts for a few minutes. And after posting some updates on my X account, I thought of making some video content to my You Tube Channel. I thought of this while I was about to wake up from bed. Actually, I did this once last year for me to show my subscribers one of the things that I do to my selvedge denim to develop nice creases and “honeycombs” to the fabric. I collated all the clips that I made and formed it in a short video or “reels”.

Using my heavyweight selvedge denim with my dumbbells and improvise/DIY Barbell, I was able to make some videos and I was able edit and collate them into two separate video contents. One video on landscape (horizontal screen/wide screen) which needs a voice over and vertical screen mode which needs some written words on the video and some music. I have yet to finalize these videos before I will be able to post them in my YT Channel. Aside from those exercises, I did some clips also while I was running in some segments of my backyard loop. I was satisfied of what I have done as a “newbie” video content maker.

The electric power was restored at 4:00 PM and I only did a short walk after that.

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