10K Running & Hiking For Today

As a member of the International Association Of Ultrarunners, I did a 10K “run & hike” in my backyard loop in connection with the “IAU Global Solidarity Weekend”. This event was initially conceived in 2020 during the Covid-19 Pandemic Lockdown and since then this event was conducted every year. The Philippine Association of Ultrarunners (PAU) which I am the President for the past 14 years, had been joining this event representing my country, Philippines. There was a time that only selected runners within each team-country would join this yearly event. For the past events, Philippines had been represented by the PAU runners with a team of 10 male and 10 female runners. And as the President, I would join the group of countries’ Presidents for this event.

However, for this year, the IAU had created a Facebook Page where anybody among the runner-members would post their running experience as part of this year’s “IAU Global Solidarity Weekend Run”. I have the impression that this event is open to the public and anybody would just run and post his or her running results during the duration of the event. Actually, this is a very good format and it would be a good way for every runner to be motivated to run without any limit of distance and time.

And so, for today, I did a 10-kilometer distance by “running and hiking” for more than two hours inside my backyard where I have been running and hiking within a loop that has a distance of 800-900 meters per loop. It was hot and humid and I am glad that my backyard loop is almost covered with fruit trees. I did still sweat and got tired after this activity. But it was worth it for the day.

What is unique in my “running and hiking” was that I was wearing my heaviest denim jeans and Chelsea Work Boots. I did it purposely because I was trying to fade my denim jeans and then “breaking-in” my Red Wing Chelsea Work Boots which I started using in my backyard works for the past 2 months. The same with my jeans, I have been using it for the past 82 days out of the 366 days (one year) to wear it. At the end of the year, pictures of this denim jeans will be submitted to the company brand who made it and there will be a selection committee who will select the Best Fades for such Denim Jeans. By the way, this competition is open to only people who ordered the jeans from the company. However, I am not vying for any position in this competition as I would like to experience what it is like to fade the “heaviest denim jeans in the world”. The denim fabric weighs 33 ounces per square yard and if you put it in context, the ordinary Levi’s Denim Jeans has a weight of 10-12 ounces per square yard depending if it is an ordinary woven denim or selvedge denim. Oh well, I will explain in my incoming posts on the difference between an ordinary denim jeans and a selvedge denim jeans.

So, I will make another “run and hike” tomorrow and and hope to post my activity on the Facebook Page on Monday.

Thanks for reading and thank you for your support.

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